Friday, November 6, 2009

Girls Getting Wedgies From The Front Do You Ever Get Wedgies? If So Does It Hurt And Who Does It More Guys Or Girls?

Do you ever get wedgies? If so does it hurt and who does it more guys or girls? - girls getting wedgies from the front

Please include what happened in the time, place, or from the front, rear or both sides and some information so we can talk.


  1. Yes. I think that girls more often, because we love the belts. and there is less material to cling to his back.

  2. man'm not a girl, but I saw my wife frineds weddgies collide! It's fun ... and so, when my gf broke frinds thong

  3. Would you photos as well. Close-ups or just the body? I bet in the foreground work best. What is naked, with the exception of Sunday song?
    Pant, pant, drool.
