Sunday, November 8, 2009

Epsom Salt For Hair I Have Fine Hair That Gets Really Oily At The Scalp. How Do I Get Rid Of This?

I have fine hair that gets really oily at the scalp. How do I get rid of this? - epsom salt for hair

I tried baking soda, Epsom salt and dry rub witch hazel and mouthwash. I only use products salon shampoo. I tried all sorts of things and tried to balance conditiong until the end?
The product of a unique style that is used Matix style light cream but pee size amount. Tried w / w, and / or it makes no difference

1 comment:

  1. Wash your hair every day is important.

    If he is bold in the middle of the day and then try a little (very little) a little baby powder on your brush at this time. The powder absorbs the oil.
