Saturday, February 13, 2010

Watch Frostbite Online Does Anyone Know The Name Of A Film Where The Characters Get Frostbite And Have Their Feet Amputated?

Does anyone know the name of a film where the characters get frostbite and have their feet amputated? - watch frostbite online

When I was young, I saw a movie several times. The main argument was to visit a couple of her parents at Christmas and caught in a blizzard. They have babies with them. To go miles for help, but if it is later proved that evil Rally freezing and has to define the foot amputated too. In the last part of the walk along the beach in special shoes as the man had promised.
I loved, but can not remember what their names. Someone please help!


  1. The movie is called "Snow Bound" with Neil Patrick Harris in it.

  2. Yes, it was that of "Snowbound The Jim and Jen Stolp story. I, because the woman and the child remains in the cave, while Jim will help remember. In reality, they have lost several toes, but not the feet.
