Thursday, February 4, 2010

Difference In Viginas Is There A Difference In Physical Characteristics (color, Tallness Etc) Of Different Tribes In The Philippines?

Is there a difference in physical characteristics (color, tallness etc) of different tribes in the Philippines? - difference in viginas

I refer to tribes or groups, cuktural the various islands


  1. Yes ... their lifestyles are different, so ... not as "many" tribes in the IP that would be difficult to write the differences ...

    But here is an example


    Http: / / / image / Aetas → ...

    → ...

    You can clearly see the differences ..

  2. Filipinos are different people in Asia like China, India, Malay, Japanese, Spanish, and remained there for more than one hundred 3rd Current fiscal year, the cultural differences, the physical differences etc.even our dialects, we have more than 80 local languages.

  3. Filipinos are different people in Asia like China, India, Malay, Japanese, Spanish, and remained there for more than one hundred 3rd Current fiscal year, the cultural differences, the physical differences etc.even our dialects, we have more than 80 local languages.
